5 Things on Friday 8/23/19

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Can you believe summer is winding down? Neither can I! My oldest starts school this Tuesday! This year she will be a junior, and K will be in her last year of middle school. Crazy! It's been a while! Let's catch up!

1. The construction on our addition is in full swing. I think I'm past the point of being excited. The crew has been working on air conditioning all week. It's not an easy job because we have boiler heating and the air conditioning is being installed in the attic. 

I've been trying to spend a few hours a day sanding at the ranch. All of the moldings are an orange color so I've been sanding the bedrooms so Matt can paint them white. I really don't see our fall move date happening. At the rate we're getting the bedrooms done I think it will be more a winter move. Which I'm perfectly fine with.

2. My youngest became a teenager a few days ago. My poor kid was sick with a stomach bug on her birthday. Thankfully, her real celebration happens this weekend. We're going to Michigan Adventure and to see her FAVORITE boy band Why Don't We. I'm looking forward to my last two trips of the summer.

3. I'm burned out from cleaning my beach house. Last summer it rented for more extended periods. I had one person stay a month. It made things so much easier. Some weeks I've been up north to clean three times a week. I will be hiring someone next year if this schedule keeps up. We have done really well this year with it. 

I had my mom come up with me earlier this week. She helped me clean and then we did some shopping and went out to lunch. It was a beautiful day!

4. I joined a book club earlier this summer. All of my book clubs seem to end, so I decided to join someone else's. This summer I've read Where the Crawdads Sing, The Clockmaker's Daughter, and Little Fire's Everywhere. I liked them all and would give all three probably 3-4 stars, but my favorite would have to be Where the Crawdads Sing. If you haven't read it, check it out! Plus there is a rumor that it will be a movie soon.

5. I was asked to spend the night for the blog at the GMRENCEN. You can read about it here. The girls and I had a blast. The view from one of the top rooms at the hotel was more than stunning. If you've never stayed there, I highly recommend it.

What are you up to this weekend?



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